15 Key Takeaways from Customer Success in Challenging Markets

Customer success and sales experts Jim Tantaro (ScaleWith) & Reena Bhatia (Asana) share 15 tips to navigate challenging markets and grow.

In a recent LinkedIn Live session, Jim Tantaro, CEO of ScaleWith, and Reena Bhatia, Head of Customer Success at Asana for Americas, shared their insights on navigating the evolving landscape of customer success in today’s turbulent markets. Here are the top 15 takeaways from their conversation. 

The Evolution of Customer Success
Customer success has shifted from reactive, one-to-one management to a proactive, scalable approach. Asana leverages AI and automation to provide personalized support across a vast user base. 

In a competitive market, ScaleWith’s data and AI give customer success managers a clear advantage. They can confidently start renewal conversations, aligning with causes important to their customers. This approach reduces awkward icebreakers and focuses on mutual growth. By supporting their customers' goals, your customer success teams create more value, enhance brand reputation, and build strong, value-driven relationships beyond contract pricing.

The Criticality of Customer Retention
Retention goes beyond securing customers for life. Instead, it’s about continuously delivering value to ensure customers renew. Asana consistently demonstrates ongoing benefits to maintain customer loyalty. 

Using ScaleWith’s social impact data and AI, customer success teams can connect with existing customers on more than just price or the superiority of their products and services. ScaleWith’s data embeds into customer success tools (like CRMs) and enriches their understanding of their customers. 

For instance, they can see that a customer is deeply passionate about reskilling workforces and social impact organizations that can help that customer realize that goal. So, instead of racing to the bottom with pricing, they offer something new, something different–something that sets them apart from a sea of competitors. 

Navigating Market Volatility
Economic fluctuations have prompted companies to consolidate IT resources and scrutinize spending. Asana integrates deeply into customers' tech stacks, proving its indispensability even during budget cuts.

ScaleWith integrates seamlessly into your tech stack, acting like an AI teammate for your sales, marketing, and customer success teams. It uses AI to find causes that resonate with your customers, helping you build deeper and more meaningful connections.

AI's Role in Customer Success
AI at Asana automates routine tasks and provides invaluable insights. From summarizing customer interactions to tracking project statuses, AI frees up CSMs to focus on strategic activities. 

Boosting Efficiency with AI
AI at Asana can complete tasks in minutes that previously took hours, such as compiling executive summaries. CSMs can then review and tweak these summaries, enhancing efficiency.

ScaleWith’s Social Impact Copilot is a Gen AI that’s enriched with our proprietary social impact data. Built on OpenAI’s ChatGPT, it enables any user to see how social impact data can impact their marketing campaigns, outreach efforts, expected ROI, and more. 

Early Warning Systems
ScaleWith can employ early warning systems within your CRM to monitor product adoption and engagement. These solutions can alert teams to potential churn risks, allowing for proactive intervention. 

Harnessing Customer-Centric Data
ScaleWith integrates proprietary and third-party data to provide a holistic view of your customers directly within your CRM. When combined with your existing dashboards and customer success tools, ScaleWith offers an additional perspective on customer health, enabling more informed decisions and proactive engagement.

Enhancing Success with Collaborative Tools
Asana uses tools like Chorus to record and analyze customer calls through AI, reducing the need for multiple stakeholders in meetings and enhancing efficiency.

Strategic Renewals
At Asana, the renewal process begins 90 to 120 days prior. By analyzing customer usage and derived value, they craft tailored value propositions to meet evolving needs.

Industry-Specific Strategies
Asana tailors its strategies to different industries, ensuring customers receive insights and innovations pertinent to their unique challenges. 

Integrated Marketing and Customer Success
Asana's lifecycle marketing teams collaborate closely with customer success to ensure aligned messaging throughout the customer journey. ABM strategies personalize outreach, reinforcing customer success initiatives.

ScaleWith’s tools enable marketers and customer success teams to create personalized campaigns enriched with social impact data. Now, social media posts, emails, and much more can be generated in minutes, not weeks. 

Leveraging Success Plans
Integrated success plans in platforms like Slack allow customer success managers to combine usage metrics with business value KPIs, providing comprehensive updates during reviews.

AI as a Future Teammate
AI is set to become a virtual teammate at Asana, handling routine tasks and offering deep insights. This will enable customer success managers to engage in more meaningful, value-driven conversations.

ScaleWith’s Gen AI, Copilot is a smart and collaborative sidekick that helps you go beyond tier 1 tasks like creating an email or social media posts. Instead, you can use it to generate sales proposals, personalize outreach based on AI recommendations, and much more.

ScaleWith's product Social Impact Copilot. Try it for free.

Data-Driven Decisions
Data is central to decision-making at Asana. Historical data is leveraged to predict churn and replicate successful strategies, ensuring proactive and relevant customer interactions.

Enhancing Customer Experience
The integration of AI and data allows Customer Success teams to focus on strategic engagements, ensuring every customer interaction is informed and personalized.

Leveraging ScaleWith’s Data and AI for Retention and Customer Success

Data and AI have revolutionized customer success, particularly in retaining customers and enhancing satisfaction. Here’s how ScaleWith’s social impact data and AI can be harnessed effectively:

  • Enhanced Customer Insights through CRM Integration
    AI enriches CRM systems with detailed customer profiles by integrating various data sources, including purchase history and social media activity.
  • Predictive Analytics
    AI analyzes historical data to predict future behavior, enabling preemptive actions against churn and identifying upsell opportunities.
  • Segmentation and Personalization
    AI segments customers based on behavior and preferences, tailoring engagement strategies to improve interaction relevance and effectiveness.

Unlock the Potential of Social Impact Data

Discover how ScaleWith can elevate your business. Watch this quick 3-minute demo featuring our CEO, Jim Tantaro. 

The Future of Customer Success

The future lies in leveraging AI, data, and strategic collaboration between sales, marketing, and customer success teams. By focusing on proactive engagement, tailored strategies, and continuous value delivery, companies can navigate challenging markets and foster long-lasting customer relationships.

For more insights, watch the LinkedIn Live replay with Jim Tantaro and Reena Bhatia on transforming customer success in challenging markets.

Power Up Your Marketing Team

Explore our comprehensive overview of Social Impact Copilot, our cutting-edge Gen AI tool, and discover our most successful use cases. Try Copilot for free now.