Hit Two Goals at Once: Sales Growth and CSR Excellence with ScaleWith

Learn how ScaleWith's customer intelligence platform combines AI & social impact data to help you stand out, hit CSR goals, and build deeper client connections.

I'm super excited to share something that's really going to change the game for those of us in sales, marketing, and customer success. If you've been looking for a way to stand out in a crowded market, hit your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) goals, and genuinely connect with your clients, let me introduce you to ScaleWith's platform. It's a holistic approach to business that combines cutting-edge technology with a heart for social impact. Let's dive in!

What is ScaleWith?

At its core, ScaleWith is a platform that incorporates social impact data, AI agents (and a proprietary artificial intelligence that ingests data from multiple sources, including reports and third parties). This data is then meticulously tagged to highlight what companies truly care about from a social responsibility perspective. The platform provides a tool called SellWith, designed to seamlessly integrate this social impact data into your account records in your existing tools like CRMs (think Salesforce), marketing software, and customer success tools.

How Does SellWith Work?

SellWith is all about making social impact data actionable. Here’s how it works for different teams:

  • Sales Teams: Imagine having access to data within your CRM that tells you what causes your prospects and clients care about. Whether it's re-skilling workforces, cleaning plastics from oceans, or supporting women’s empowerment initiatives, this insight can help you craft proposals that resonate on a deeper level. No more guesswork!
  • Marketing Teams: With this data, you can segment your audience and run targeted campaigns that speak to your clients' values. It’s great for PR, too. You can proudly say, "Yes, you'll get our fantastic products and services, but you'll also be contributing to a cause that matters."
  • Customer Success Teams: Use the data to create win-back, cross-sell, and upsell campaigns. It’s all about showing your clients that working with you means they’re part of something bigger.

Real-World Impact: Data with Heart

ScaleWith is not just about numbers and stats; it’s about storytelling and creating meaningful connections. For example, you can tell a powerful story about how a portion of each transaction goes towards planting trees or supporting local communities. These stories not only enhance your brand's reputation but also build stronger relationships with your clients.

Key Features You’ll Love

  1. Royalty-Free Content Library: Access a vast library of visuals and videos to bring your content to life. Imagine sharing a video of a reforestation project funded by your transactions—it’s powerful and engaging.
  2. Blueprinting and Use Cases: Get tailored blueprints and use cases that match your needs, helping you run successful campaigns with ease. Plus, you get world-class support from experts in social impact, marketing, and sales.
  3. Gen AI Integration: Generate emails, LinkedIn messages, and social media posts with ease using the platform’s AI. This means your communications are always data-driven and perfectly tailored to your audience.

Benefits: Save Time, Save Money, Stand Out

  • Ease of Use: The platform integrates directly into your existing tools, so there’s no need to change your workflow.
  • Cost Efficiency: Save money by using the royalty-free content library instead of creating visuals from scratch.
  • Customer Success: ScaleWith has already proven its worth with clients like Innocito, a professional services engineering firm. You can read all about their success and get inspired.

Overcoming Common Objections

You might be thinking, "We already have tools for this," or "I’m not sure how this works." That’s where ScaleWith shines. We offer comprehensive blueprinting and strategic support to help you adapt to this new way of doing things without disrupting your flow. It’s all about making the transition smooth and showing you how this can be a game-changer for your business.

The Future of Business: Social Impact and Growth

The business world is moving towards more eco-conscious practices and community support. Consumers, especially Millennials and Gen Z, expect companies to contribute positively to society. ScaleWith helps you meet these expectations by seamlessly integrating social impact into your everyday operations. It’s not just about checking a CSR box; it’s about making meaningful contributions that align with your values and those of your clients.

Final Thoughts

With ScaleWith, you’re not just doing business as usual. You’re adding value, creating meaningful engagement, and building a brand that stands out for all the right reasons. It’s a holistic, intelligent approach that helps you achieve your social responsibility goals while driving growth and differentiation in tougher markets. So, why not feed two birds with one scone? Start using ScaleWith and see the incredible impact it can have on your business and the world.

Ready to learn more? Book a demo and discover how you can transform your business with ScaleWith.